Smashing together the HIR-icane & Proton Pack

Smashing together the HIR-icane & Proton Pack

Hi Everyone!

I, like most people, loved the HIR-ricane mod by Out of Darts. And it inspired me to make that system in a new format, and combine with flexible hose from proton packs. Below is OOD's kit, and my initial idea sketch.

I thought if you could put the fan underneath you handle, could you have all the necessary electrical components practically in you HAND?! 

Then I'd use flexible hose like the proton pack to connect the fan and flywheels. But the revolutionary thing is that this gives you complete freedom to route this tube wherever you want and make it as long or short as you want.

Though I did find the EDF fan has a limit!

I had to print a few prototypes, and everything was extremely compacted together.


But I eventually wired it all up after 4 hours! And boy, firing rivals balls at 15 DPS is unlike anything else! 


You can see an overview video here.
